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About us


D-Tune is a polish dance project found in 2004. It experienced quite a good success with the first tracks like Memories or Candy Lady.
Over the years, D-Tune made a lot of widely known remixes which are still played in the clubs.

In 2005 we have signed a 5-year long contract with Warner Music Singapore. NexT made few official remixes for the popular stars like DCX (DC-10) and B.P.M..
D-Tune also released a full-CD megamix ("Super DJ Megamix 2") with almost 50 tracks popular in 2007, and lot of them modified a bit, like Basslovers United - I Can't Dance which never appeared as the full version remix.

2006 brought a cooperation with D-Bomb, a polish dance formation, and we made a club remix of ther song - "Myślę".

In 2011 D-Tune is getting back on the scene, slowly releasing the tracks from never released On Cue album and brand new tracks. Will it get back to the past popularity? It all depends on you :) Subscribe the NexT's channel on YouTube or SoundCloud page, so you'll be always up-to-date and help with the promotion! You can also catch us there if you want D-Tune to play in your club. Visit the website of DJ J'Leed (polish language only).

In 2016 a new album, Kinetic was released. Some cooperation with BaseTime started. Remixed a progressive metal song by Borealis.
Find all the newest information in on D-Tune Facebook's channel - https://www.facebook.com/dtune.poland

2017 bring us a studio update. Now it's way easier to produce. More than 40 D-Tune tracks are now available in digital music distribution services like Spotify, Deezer, iTunes and Google Play.
So far, only three releases made it to the public this year. Be sure to check out Phantom, one of the best recent tracks!
Lot of new tracks in production, so be sure to check D-Tune music and subscribe to Facebook & SoundCloud channels.

The pulse is going up again in 2018! Huge plans for this year, unfortunately postponed for later.

Many new tracks released in 2019 plus even more waiting in the queue. Robbers joined the project. Over 500 YouTube channel subscribers now.

In 2020 we are separating our Spotify profile on a new "D-Tune" name and start over at https://open.spotify.com/artist/78wWNPlxJs71rgjdRSnUn2?si=CTWXDpYcTK-DkvGqKK4IHg - please update your Spotify subscription! Passed over 600 YouTube channel subscribers. "I Can't Dance" is out!

In 2024 we have announced Future Waves, our 4th album. It will be full of vocal songs and it will remind our first album. We are getting more and more popular, but it goes slow. However, we appreciate every each satisfied fan and we work hard to bring the new music reglarly!

Deep Tune

Side project born in 2010. The team consists of two producers - NexT and PrH, known as Deaf End, from his D'N'B / dubstep project.

Deep Tune aims to reach some other audience, mainly because of the trance / techno / house / minimal arrangements. It combines our 10 years of experience with modern sounds.

You can get more familiar with the Deep Tune music visiting the SoundCloud (https://soundcloud.com/deep-tune) page or YouTube channel.